Styrax Benzoin essential oil has a vanilla like aroma.
Properties: Anti-inflammatory, Antiseptic, Carminative, Sedative, Anti-oxidant, Astringent, Cordial, Styptic and Vulnerary.
Mind and Spirit: Benzoin warms the emotions, reduces stress and tension, warms the heart during times of grief, and is euphoric, as it adds a padded zone between us and events.
Skin/Hair/Nails: Benzoin is used for mouth ulcers:(gargle ,rinse and spit) ,reduces scars, used for cracked ,dry skin, treats chillblains, ulcers and liver spots.
Respiratory: Benzoin is a tonic for the lungs, coughs, colds and respiratory infections, Bronchitis, Asthma and Sore throats.
Musculoskeletal: Benzoin is used to reduce general aches and pains,is warming to painful joints, arthritis and treats gout.
Circulatory/Lymphatic:Benzoin improves poor circulation, and helps to control blood sugar levels.
Immune System:Benzoin treats respiratory and skin infections.
Digestive: Benzoin calms the stomach, aids digestion, reduces colic and flatulence.
Endocrine: Benzoin helps with the functions of the pancreas.
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