Black Pepper has a peppery, sharp, spicy, woody and warm aroma.
Properties: Analgesic, Anti-catarrhal, Anti-emetic, Antispasmodic, Antiseptic, Aphrodisiac, Carminative, Cardiac, Detoxicant,Digestive, Diuretic,Expectorant, Laxative, Stimulant.
Mind and Spirit: Strengthens nerves and mind. Eases frustration, A mental stimulant, Aids alertness, warms to indifferences and eases life changes.
Hair/skin/nails: Used to reduce and treat bruising and for chillblains.
Respiratory: Black Pepper is used to treat colds, chronic bronchitis,laryngitis coughs, catarrh and chills.
Musculoskeletal: Black Pepper oil tones muscles, reduces aches and pains, treats tired aching limbs, reduces neuralgia and stiffness and increases poor muscle tone.
Circulatory/Lymphatic: Black Pepper stimulates circulation, increases lymphatic flow, and warms the body.
Immune system: Black Pepper treats cold, flu, fever, infections,viral infections, and may lower blood pressure.
Digestive:Black Pepper treats toothache,increases saliva production, stimulates appetite, reduces and treats colic and constipation, loose stools, flatulence and nausea. Black Pepper is generally great for a sluggish digestive system.
Endocrine: Black Pepper is a stimulant to the spleen, and is involved in the production of red blood cells. Beneficial after heavy bleeding.
Urinary/Reproductive: Black Pepper is used to treat frigidity and impotence, increases urine flow and aids detoxification.
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