This timeless oil is truly magical.
Indications and uses:
Hair, skin and nails:
Smooths out wrinkles,a skin tonic, good for wounds,sores, inflammation,scars-(diminishes the width and color of scars) and excellent for dry and mature skin.Reduces and fades blemishes and combats the aging process.
Great for asthma,bronchitis, shortness of breath,pleurisy .It slows and deepens breathing.
Effectively reduces the pain of rheumatism and muscular pain, particularly if you are holding onto something and not letting go of it.
Circulatory/Lymphatic: Anti-inflammatory
An Immune system stimulant
Digestive:-Effectively treats varicose ulcers (used as a gargle),eases indigestion, belching,and soothes the stomach.
Urinary/Reproductive:Frankincense is a tonic for the uterus.
Treats cystitis, urinary tract problems.
Expands consciousness,good for meditation,soothing on the mind,helps with cutting obsessional ties from the past.Eases Indecision.An oil of spirituality and peace.
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