German chamomile's aroma is strong, sweet, warm and herbaceous.
It has a strong odour intensity, and is a middle note in aromatherapy.
it has the following therapeutic properties: Analgesic, Antipruritic, Anti-inflammatory, Antiseptic, Anti-allergenic, Cicatrissant, Emmenagogue, Emollient, Febrifuge, Nervine, Vulnerary, Anti-histamine, Stomachic and Sudorific.
Nervous/psychological: Used for neuralgia, headache, migraine, nervous tension, insomnia, irritability, nervous depression,.
It is good for children who are impatient, disagreeable, tense and hyperactive.
Skin/Integumentary: Used for acne vulgaris,Acne Rosacae,wounds, boils, cuts, chillblains, dermatitiss, hair care, teething pain,toothache.
Respiratory: Used for asthma, hay fever, allergies, throat infections, earaches.
Muscularskeletal: used for Gout, rheumatic pain, arthritis, sprains, neuralgia, and muscular pain.
Circulatory/lymphatic: Used for anaemia and infection.
Digestive: used for Infantile diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal pain, bowel inflammation, colic, nausea, dyspepsia.
Endocrine: German chamomile is hormone like and can be used to regulate and balance hormone levels.
Urinary/Reproductive: Inflammation of Pelvis, PMS, regulates periods, eases pain of menstrual periods.
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