Pure essential oil of Jasmine 3% in jojoba is often described as the King of all flowers.
It has a sweet, floral,and exotic, slightly heady fragrance. it is the most exquisite of scents.
Properties of Jasmine: Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, Antispasmodic,Carminative, Antidepressant, Antiseptic, Cicatrissant, Emollient, Expectorant, Galactagogue, Parturient, Sedative and uterine.
Beneficial uses:
Integumentary: Used for all skin typess, especially for dry, sensitive skin.It improves elasticity, reduces stretch marks, reduces scarring, it is an emollient and is used for aggravated skin, dermatitis, eczema, greasy, inflamed or irritated skins.
Respiratory: Jasmine regulates and deepens breathing, eases irritating coughs, hoarseness, catarrh, and treats laryngitis and pleurisy.
Musculoskeletal: Jasmine is used for stiff limbs, muscle spasm,sprains, joint and muscle pain and back pain.
Jasmine is used to ease painful periods,infertility and reduces pelvic congestion. It induces uterine contractions making the contractions regular and effective.It is used to treat uterine disorders, premature ejaculation and sterility.
Mind and Spirit: Jasmine is used for severe depression, it calms the nerves, increases confidence, restores energy, helps to solve emotional dilemmas, ease postnatal depression, dispels fears, uplifts moods, eases paranoia, raises low self confidence,eases heartache,emotional suffering,, burnout, facing death experiences, and eases guilt. it enables and assists meditation, happiness, peace and improves self image.
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