The aroma of Myrrh is warm, rich, spicy and balsamic.
Country of Origin:North East Africa and South West Africa.
Properties of Myrrh: Anticatarrhal, Antimicrobial, Anti-inflammatory,Antiphlogistic, Antiseptic,, Astringent, Balsamic, Carminative, Civatrisaant, Deodorant, Digestive, Disinfectant, Emmenagogue, Expectorant, Fungicide, Emollient, Pulmonary, Stimulant, Sedative, Sudorific, Tonic, Vulnerary, Uterine.
Beneficial uses/Indications:
Hair/skin/nails: Promotes tissue repair, Heals chronic wounds, slow healing wounds, brittle nails, cracked heels, boils,bed sores, inflamed ski, burns, fungal growths,ringworms,gingivitis.
Respiratory: Coughs, bronchitis, colds, dries excess mucous in lungs, laryngitis, sore throat,tonsillitis,glandular fever,catarrh.
Musculoskeletal: Arthritis.
Immune:Colds,wasting, degenerative diseases,stimulates white blood cells.
Digestive;Ulcers, bloating,loose bowel actions, dyspepsia, haemmorrhoids,loss of appetite.
Endocrine;Stimulate and regulate thyroid(good for hypothryroid states)
Urinary/Reproductive;Stimulates menstruation, uterine stimulant, thrush.
Nervous/psychological: Enhances spirituality,good for meditation, emotionally or spiritually stuck,weakness,apathy,lack of incentive, cools heated emotions, calming,emotional coldness,brightens deep emotions,enhances positivity.
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