Pure essential oil of Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis) is very uplifting and harmonizing.
Aroma:Zesty and refreshing.
Nervous/psychological benefits include:
Eases the stress of children, eases insomnia, reduces tension, reduces boredom, eases nervousness. It is an adrenal stimulator and it increases energy, while energizing and harmonizing your energy.
Sweet Orange helps to regulate hormones,reduces postnatal depression and reduces the symptoms of menopause.
Sweet orange treats gingivitis, mouth ulcers, improves the texture of skin which is dull and congested, treats acne, excess oil production and reduces cellulite.
Respiratory benefits;
Sweet Orange oil alleviates Bronchitis, Colds, fever and chills.
Sweet orange oil treats rickety bones
Immune system
Treats colds, flu
Digestive benefits;Stimulates bile production and digestion of fats, stimulates gallbladder functioning, settles a nervous stomach,constipation,indigestion and intestinal spasm.
Sweet Orange is an adrenal stimulant.
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